♠️Red lights, I could never stop,A dreamer with the fever to be great was all I ever want, was all I ever wanted。 ——《Legend》
♠️Red lights, I could never stop,A dreamer with the fever to be great was all I ever want, was all I ever wanted。 ——《Legend》
♠️人物:九分米文创——月亮歌 花:基研所——椿 装饰:柠萌气泡工作室——扑棱蛾子 梦境观测者——E2002—梦境折叠 Stadio Vl—— Bloody Castle 文字:九分米文创——烟瘾教学课 ♣️把近期作业发一下,另外这个系列以后还有后续(❁´◡`❁)*✲゚* (如果还有胶带的话……)