Dearest Cecilia. The story can resume . The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can became again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk in my best suit swagering on the promise of my life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return, find you, love you ,marry you, And then live without shame. From Atonement ————————— ✥ ————————— ✥ 今日摘抄来自电影Atonement 中文名是赎罪 最喜欢女主穿着绿色裙子那个形象 可惜最后没有如愿和男主相遇😭 ✥ 今天也要一起快乐 @坨坨缺乏脑洞 ✥ 今日拼贴 我好爱这个配色ww 夕空真的很好用啊啊啊 ✥🌉🌉🌉