【幼稚园正片】咿呀~快点接住这只小天使呀~(#/。\#) 【300粉福利~】我攒粉真的好艰难啊qwq ps.第三张开始就是长图啦~记得划一划呀~(。・ω・。)ノ They serve the purpose of changing hydrogen into breathable oxygen.And they're as necessary here as the air is, on Earth. But I still say, they're flowers. If you like... Do you sell them? I'm afraid not. But, maybe we could make a deal... (《flower dance》念白) 出镜:快看这里有只橙子 摄影&后期:五月七日小小雨 妆娘:小敏姐姐Amy 后勤:裂空之狐 裙子:bottled frog家的天使幼稚园@BottledFrog (均为微博名) 哈哈哈哈哈终于等到这个的正片啦!グッ!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧摄影哥哥下手越来越重咯~不过超好看!真的辛苦了!比心比心比心~