大噶好我来配合兔砸了🌚 so yesyes diary style let's gooo✨ two 手账本 is so convenient since i can write my 奇葩日常 in one and 拼贴 in the other which is OsM 💨 today me make redred 拼贴🎈🌹❤ same color for the corresponding parts in both 手账本 makes me vv happy [OCD 福音]🌚 i moved up for History too hahahaha vv proud 🙆 ok好的还是中文方便 为了配合兔砸打这么久 I am SUCH A GREAT FRIEND (*ˉ︶ˉ*) 手账是重点哈手账手账🌚 喜欢的宝宝们点个赞赞哇(*ˉ︶ˉ*) BTW 阿加莎克里斯蒂的电影太好看了哇 果然还是老电影更有味道 🔥