赵丽颖林更新《忘忧镇》经典台词对白语录盘点: 《忘忧镇》经典台词对白语录盘点: 1、Walk with a private lake road of love, friends. 漫步江湖路遇情缘,心怀利刃自有知交。
2、Some people at a glance is a robbery, some people turn around and no longer see. 有些人一眼就是一场劫,有些人一转身就不再见。
3、What is the sword, retreat the Quartet, drink a bright moon light?. 何谓之剑,退四方不平事,饮一泓明月光。
4、What is the man, not to kill the tigers, but not negative friend 32. 何谓之侠,杀不尽天下虎狼,但不负知己三两。
5、What is love, passionate and bitter, and drunk and crazy, I'm afraid night pillow lovesickness, dream is cool. 何谓情缘,多情且多苦,且醉且疯狂,只怕夜枕相思,梦很凉。