//李不言×卿与巍 //再度与你 文/洛玖汐 卿与巍:你说,想我的时候,天空飘下沙,从此形成了撒哈拉沙漠。 李不言:想你好多次,撒哈拉沙漠那么大,一粒沙怎能形成撒哈拉沙漠?肯定是积少成多日积月累的结果。 You said, when you miss me, the sand floated down from the sky, and then the Sahara Desert formed. Many times I think that the Sahara desert is so big, how can a grain of sand form the Sahara desert? It must be a cumulative result. 不好意思啊小可爱们(๑• . •๑) 这么晚才回复更新! 道歉道歉再道歉! 么么~亲亲抱抱举高高呢!