1.最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。 1.The most boring feeling is not to become a stranger, but gradually strange attitude. 2.抓不到的东西,连伸手都是多余的。 2.If you can't grasp something, you'll have to stretch out your hand. 3.太过敏感太过注重细节的人,适合独处,不宜恋爱。 3.People who are too allergic and pay too much attention to details are suitable for being alone and not in love. 4.去爱一个能让你做回小朋友的人,而不是总嫌你不懂事的人。 4.Love someone who can make you a child, not someone who thinks you are not sensible. 5.我好久没有以小步紧跑去迎接一个人的快乐了。 5.It's been a long time since I've run to meet someone's happiness. 6.所有的热情都会在一次次失望中磨灭。 6.All the enthusiasm will be lost in the disappointment.