今天你对作业爱答不理明天作业让你补到飞起 Today you don’t care about your homework tomorrow.
今天你对作业爱答不理明天作业让你补到飞起 Today you don’t care about your homework tomorrow.
为什么寒假比暑假短?因为热胀冷缩。为什么作业一样多 因为质量不变 Why is winter vacation shorter than summer vacation? Because of heat expansion and contraction. Why are there the same amount of homework? 图源各处/侵删/无水印/抱图吱声🌚❤️
为什么寒假比暑假短?因为热胀冷缩。为什么作业一样多 因为质量不变 Why is winter vacation shorter than summer vacation? Because of heat expansion and contraction. Why are there the same amount of homework? 图源各处/侵删/无水印/抱图吱声🌚❤️