从今天起,你就是那个有人要的坏小孩了。 From today on, you're the bad kid someone wants. 我不会装作若无其事的样子,我会把所有的事都告诉你。 I won't pretend to be nothing, I'll tell you everything. 任何事都无法戳破我的梦,诗和远方虽然很贵,等我会努力赚取路费。 Nothing can puncture my dream, poetry and distance although very expensive, and so I will try to earn road tolls. 我只在你面前卸下过防备,我希望你可以温柔地照顾好我最柔弱的那一面。 I've only removed my guard in front of you, and I hope you can take care of my weakest side gently. 你的笑,对我而言,就是这世间最美丽的瞬间,喜欢看你的笑,喜欢看见你吵吵闹闹。 Your smile, for me, is the most beautiful moment in the world, like to see your smile, like to see you noisy. 如果可以和未来用一次话,我的第一句会问你现在过得好不好? If you can talk about it once in the future, my first sentence will ask you if you're having a good time now. 在这个维度里,我希望终有一天我们可以相遇。 In this dimension, I hope that one day we can meet. 他终究成了自己最理想的样子,但却永远都不是你眼中的那个他了。 He's the best he's ever been, but it's never the one you see. 其实我从没有想过,我现在还有如此大的力量,它每一秒都在呼喊你。 In fact, I never thought, I still have so much power, it every