去发光,而不是被照亮。 to glow, not to be illuminated. 我希望你现在是努力发光,而不是为他人所照亮,加油,我们在更高处相见。 I hope you are now trying to shine, not to shine, to cheer, we meet at a higher level. 今天是你打卡的第几天,你要明白,先点亮自己比较重要,因为你会慢慢在平凡的生活中发现自己很彷徨。 Today is your first day of clocking, you have to understand that it is important to light up yourself first, because you will slowly find yourself very shy in the ordinary life. 所以你在这儿生活的同时,要有所理想有所奋斗的方向,这样你的世界才不会被别人的光芒所遮盖 So while you live here, you have to have an ideal way to fight so that your world is not obscured by the light of others. 没有任何一个人可以决定你的未来,这不是励志,更多的是一种人生态度。 No one can decide your future, it's not motivational, it's more of a life attitude. 我们都在奔赴不同的人生,但还是祝你万事顺意。 We are all on our way to different lives, but I wish you all the best. 所以就是自己最好的方式就是忙碌和早睡,如果可以的话,做一个更优秀的人,努力发光。 So the best way is to be busy and early to sleep, if you can, to be a better person, and strive to shine. 随着你越来越长大,越来越喜欢安静,会发现一切都会变得那么自由。 As you get older and more like to be