阳光普照大地,可太阳只有一个,人潮拥挤,我只喜欢你 The sun shines on the earth, but the sun is only one, the crowd is crowded, I only like you 重要的人,要时时刻刻放在心尖上,保护好她,不让她受到任何的伤害 Important person, always put on the tip of the heart, protect her, let her be hurt anything. 见到你的那一刻,我就意识到了,你就是属于我的人间宝藏 The moment I saw you, I realized that you were my treasure. 遇到我之前,你可以做你坚强的女王,遇到我之后,我要你做我任性的公主 Before you meet me, you can be your strong queen, and when I meet, I want you to be my wayward princess. 我喜欢你和我爱你是两个概念,不要轻易地将二者混淆,也不要轻易的将后者说出 I like you and I love you is two concepts, don't confuse the two, don't say the latter easily 以后我会注意细节,在乎你的感受,不让你瞎想,把所有的温柔都给你 Later I will pay attention to the details, care about your feelings, do not let you think, all the gentle to you 我在黑暗中追逐星星,碰到了那个闪闪发光的你,从此我的生命不再黑暗 I chased the stars in the dark, met the shining you, and my life is no longer dark 记性不好的我,会永远地记得你说过我们要一直一直在一起 Remember bad nature of me, will always remember you said we have been together 星星在闪,没有你的夜晚也会变